Why Creating A Website Is Better Than “DM For Orders”
Whether you’re selling a product or service, custom orders, or just trying to get someone to hire you… it’s time to get yourself a website.
You might be thinking, “I just need one new client” or “I’m taking orders via Instagram DM and it’s working just fine.” Instagram is a powerful tool, but couple Instagram with a new website and you could really knock it out of the park.
Anyone can have an Instagram account, but a website shows your potential customers that you mean business. Having your own website is the best way to make yourself look reputable and legit online. Here’s just a few ways that your website can help you take you and your business up a level.
Your website is a place to show off your personality.
Instagram allows you to pick an image and write your own caption… but with a website you have complete control to choose your fonts, colors, and overall design. Those are all great tools to make you stand out in a crowd, to show off your best assets, and prove to potential customers that you are the perfect candidate to give them what they want.
You control the narrative on your website.
The same tools that help you show off your personality on your website are also the tools that allow you to control your story. You’re always in control of how your website represents you. Your website becomes your digital first impression, a way for your biggest fans to tell their biggest fans about you… and while you control the information they share.
Your website would expand your customer base.
You may be making sales via Instagram DM and word of mouth marketing, but a website would really allow you to expand your customer base. Websites attract a wider audience from a variety of sources... And all that web traffic funnels onto your website, bringing you a lot more potential customers.
Your website would attract the right customers.
Although your website will reach an expanded audience, it won’t necessarily mean that all those people will be your ideal customers. Having a website establishes you as a high quality professional, which means you’ll attract the types of clients who are looking for a high quality professional. Your website becomes your gatekeeper, and that will help save you time and energy in the long run.
Your website shows you what’s working and what’s not.
It’s already so hard to market yourself on social media, but it’s even harder when you feel like you’re just shouting into the void. Although social media has some analytics, a website provides a more robust set of analytics that can help you make informed decisions about what’s working and what’s not. For example, Squarespace analytics shows you all the basics like which of your webpages are most popular, where your web users find you, how many people visit your site, and how many people make a purchase. Once you have access to this type of feedback, you’ll be able to identify how you can improve.
If you can use a computer, then you can make your own website. Plenty of web building tools make it super easy for you to launch your own site, even if you’re not a designer. In fact, I made the Website In A Weekend PDF to guide you! Sign up with your email and I’ll send it your way.
Show your potential customers that you mean business.
With a little guidance, you could create your own website in as little as one weekend! Sign up with your email and I’ll send over my Website In A Weekend Guide.